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New technology 'could pave way for better working conditions', states TUC

17 Sep 2018

In a new report, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has stated that new technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, could help to 'pave the way for better working conditions' for UK employees.

The TUC surveyed 2,145 individuals, and found that 81% want to reduce their working time in the future. The business group stated that, if firms make the most of new technology, UK employees could work a shorter week whilst earning more.

A further 66% of those polled by the TUC believe that automation will lead to work becoming 'faster-paced and more intensive'. However, workers are positive in regard to what could be achieved if technology is used in the correct manner: 68% believe that the number of dangerous jobs could be reduced, whilst 66% think that the implementation of new technology could result in work becoming 'more enjoyable'.

Commenting on the matter, Frances O'Grady, General Secretary of the TUC, said: 'Workers are having a hard time. They've suffered the longest pay squeeze in 200 years.

'Bosses and shareholders must not be allowed to hoover up all the gains from new tech for themselves. Working people deserve their fair share – and that means using the gains from new tech to raise pay and allow more time with their families.'

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